My Political View... on oil

Seed Oil Politics are real.

I don’t follow trends.

A joke I’ve had with my mom my whole life is I’m always a year behind trends. This principle mostly applied to my clothing choices throughout my youth, especially my strong stance AGAINST the V-Neck. I’m still proud to say I’ve never owned a V-Neck Shirt.

Trends insight change. I think overall similar to how market bubbles work, they may not last forever but create a shift in the way society views a specific topic.

So what is this all about?

Seed Oils

The Trend of All Trends in 2024. Don’t believe me? Go on Twitter and Search up Seed Oils. @seedoilscout, @solbrah, @meatmafia, @reallytanman, and the like.

The best way I could explain these accounts is seed oil extremism. Like you eat a teaspoon of Canola Oil and the world is over. To me, this is one side of the political spectrum of oil.

The other side is saying vegetable oil is “heart healthy.”

With any basic research on the internet into the topic, it’s easy to discern that our previous view on Vegetable Oil being healthy is a complete myth. So I stand much closer with the seed oil extremists than the vegetable oil supporters.


There’s a fundamental issues that most seed oil extremists leave out.


My Olive Oil is obvoiusly not refined nor solvent-extracted. And it’s more than just middle-of-the-road extra virgin olive oil.

It’s the result of me working on an olive farm, visiting 40 olive oil producers across 5 different countries, and tasting 500+ oils.

If you want to try it, the bottles are 50% off for a limited time:


If you prioritize health and quality, two elements of seed oil production are bad:

  1. Solvent Extraction — to ensure maximum quantity of oil is extracted from the seed

  2. Refining - ensure neutral flavor and shelf life preservation

Everyone talks about (1), but many people lapse around (2).

When some label says “made with avocado oil or olive oil,” the oil is almost always refined (unless it explicitly states in the ingredients list: extra virgin)

Refined Oil means bad quality oil is produced, then processed so that any flavor or scent is removed.

If you’ve read my content until this point you know what I’ll say: it always comes down to price.

The whole thing is weird for me. I should be in favor of people moving away from seed oils. But at the same time, it bothers me that people just listen to others and don’t do reserach for themselves.



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